Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BP Oil Spill

I was just thinking...
By now, almost everyone has heard about the BP oil spill in the Gulf. You would think that a disaster of this magnitude (it is already worse that the Exxon-Valdez) would be something that would be a uniting event, breaking partisan politics, with the whole country coming together.
April 20th the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion started the largest offshore oil spill in US History. 50 days later (it is exactly 50 today) and there is still gallons upon gallons of oil gushing towards the Gulf coast. Birds, fish, and other wildlife are covered in gloppy, disgusting oil. You've probably seen the disturbing pictures by now. While there are relief efforts, not enough is being done. If you have the means and opportunity to go down and help out, please do. Also, I recommend boycotting BP gas.
While the spill itself is sickening on it's own, some people's reactions are just as sickening. Lots of ignorant people have been referring to this oil spill as "Obama's Oil Spill." Not only is that name incredibly unfair to President Obama, and not giving credit where credit is due to BP, but it is also not true. Obama had nothing to do with causing this spill. In fact, all blame lays solely on British Petroleum (BP). Fox News has been credited as calling this spill "Obama's Katrina." To compare a natural disaster to an oil spill that could have been prevented had the company had credible safety procedures is despicable. This brings me to the point that BP, in the last 4-5 years has had 740 safety violations. "Wow," you may say, "that's a lot." You're probably also thinking, "well, I bet all oil companies have similarly high numbers of violations." NOT TRUE! The next closest is Exxon, with 8. EIGHT! BP is a disgusting company run incredibly badly and should be punished exponentially.
Please do what you can to stop BP. Write letters to politicians, protest, boycott, make phone calls, anything. Let us not let an avoidable disaster like this ever happen again.
Also, send support to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. They have had to deal with too much too quickly with Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Spill.

Tomorrow: Dissecting disgusting Facebook groups.

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