Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 7 GOP Debate

I was just thinking...

Last night, after I got done with my work, or a good portion of it, I turned on the Republican Candidates (for President) Debate. I caught just about half of it (the second half). I regularly watch these debates, as it interesting to see how the other half goes about their business. I noticed a lot of things throughout the hour or so that I saw, much of which were not good things. I will explore a few of them here.

First and most importantly, most of the candidates lied, about one thing or another. And these weren't little lies, these were outright wrong statements that were presented as facts. They attacked President Obama, and attributed things to him that were not even remotely true. They made it sound like the situation in Libya was started by Obama, and they repeatedly alluded to the United States' involvement in the struggle. If they paid any attention to the news, they would know that the US Army never, ever had boots on the ground. They also made a clear lie in saying that he launched air strikes without the consent of the UN, which, again, is false. I get it; they want to smear Obama: He IS their eventual opponent, after all. But, creating complete falsehoods to sway the stupid Americans dumb enough to take their word as fact and vote for them is dirty politics.

I did not take notes on the debate, so most of this is not supported with specific details. For this reason, the rest of this will mostly be my thoughts and opinions on some of the candidates.

Ron Paul
Ron Paul is not a republican. I mean, he technically is, but in reality, he is not. He is a libertarian. The overlap between libertarian-ism and republicanism is almost strictly their belief in less federal government involvement. The difference between these two groups beliefs is that the libertarians are a step away from anarchists. They would be pretty happy if government was done away with completely, at least on a federal level.

That being said, I like Ron Paul much more than most of the republican candidates. I can get behind him, to a degree, with his calls for drug legalization. Some of his arguments are kind of crazy, and yet some others I would say I agree with. But, Ron Paul is still not a real republican, so he holds no chance of winning the nomination.

Michele Bachmann
I used to be terrified of Michele Bachmann, and that is NOT just because of her face on the cover of Newsweek. She scared me because she had the Tea Party following that Sarah Palin had, yet seemed to actually know something about politics and the United States, in general. She was the smart Sarah Palin to me. A smart Sarah Palin is equal to what it would be like if we gave (28 Days Later) rage virus-infected zombies semi-automatic weapons; extremely dangerous.

However, after last night's showing, I am pretty comfortable with her running for president. She has no chance. She was like a bully at a school when a bigger bully transfers in. That new, bigger bully is Rick Perry.

Rick Perry
Rick Perry is the scariest man in the United States right now. He has a Tea Party following, which, as we know from our knowledge of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, is full of crazies. So, he's a Tea Party guy with a following stronger than Bachmann. Uh oh. He was Governor of Texas. He seems to be missing a few screws. Wait, doesn't that sound familiar? Uh oh indeed!

Rick Perry stole the show last night. He and fellow front runner (it will absolutely come down to these two) W. Mitt Romney duked it out a little bit, and appeared the strongest candidates in the field. But Perry held the spotlight due to his absolutely insane comments regarding global warming. He said, in one way or another, that he was scared of there being a leader of this country who would put the economy in jeopardy by believing in something as ridiculous as science. He asserted that the scientists who, time and time again, have proven the reality of global warming are wrong. He basically said that he does not trust science, and is scared of people who do trust it. Really? This is 2011! These aren't even opinions anymore, they're pretty much facts! Even Mr. Moron (George W. Bush) says it is real! It is incredible that someone can be a legitimate candidate with these beliefs, but he is, and is currently leading the polls. What does that say? It says that not only does a politician have these beliefs, but also that a majority of people agree with him! I have said before, when referencing Sarah Palin and FOX News, that the scariest part isn't that they believe this way, but that people listen to them and agree. There is nothing like people agreeing with crazy people to make me lose faith in humanity. How can he be so wrong, so stupid?

All signs point towards Romney or Perry getting the Republican nomination, at least at this point. While I would not prefer either, and will not vote Republican regardless who the candidate is, this does not bode well for the country, which is apparently about halfway filled with morons, and a bunch more who think Obama is useless. (He is not; the republicans just refuse to cooperate on anything) I fear that Obama could lose the election, and none of the Republicans would be even remotely good for the country. With a possible exception for Jon Huntsman.

Jon Huntsman
Holy moley, Batman! A moderate! Huntsman won me over last night. I mean, obviously not really, but enough that I could deal with him. I will never vote for a republican, but, if I had to deal with a republican as president, Huntsman would be the most agreeable. I have always felt that voting in the US isn't about voting for the best candidate, but the least bad one. Jon Huntsman is the least evil, least terrible republican in the current field. I don't foresee John McCain from the 90's (back when he was a moderate) coming back and running, so it's kind of Huntsman or bust for the republican field.

My approval for Huntsman is all relative; I would never ever vote for him. He just looks good in a field of full of Rick Perrys and Michele Bachmanns.

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